Episode Title:Healing the Healer.Episode Description: Siebenpunkt is enthusiastic about the knowledge about the healing power of plants. But the foray through the forest, where they actually wanted to collect berries, unexpectedly takes a dramatic turn. An owl has chosen daisies as prey! She grabs the old woman, flies away with her and only lets her fall again thanks to Siebenpunkt's massive resistance. A thousand beautiful lies unconscious and only breathes weakly. As quickly as possible, the goblins bring their friend back to her den and try desperately to wake up the old lady with a colorful mix of healing potions. The healing potions work, but unfortunately not at all as they should. And as if that wasn't already exciting enough, suddenly some crows from outside start smashing down the front door and gaining access to thousand beautiful's realm with pointed beaks. How come? Lamprey, Sevenpoint, and Firehead now have serious concerns not only about Daredevil's safety, but also about their own. What on earth do these birds want?